
Church Membership

Church membership is our way of saying, “I’m all in.” In a day often characterized by a lack of commitment and where true connection is often missing, church membership says that we are committed to each other—committed to growing in our relationship with Christ together, caring for each other, and to our mission to reach our community with the good news of Jesus.

Why Membership Matters

At Northland, we practice covenant membership. A covenant is a formal agreement between two or more parties. As a member of Northland Church, we covenant together to:
  • Promote Unity within our church by loving one another in our words and actions
  • Partner with one another to accomplish the mission of our church
  • Pray regularly for the ministries, members, and leaders of our church.
  • Provide for the financial needs of our church by giving regularly and generously.
  • Pursue the advancement of the Kingdom of God by exercising our spiritual gifts and talents to spread the Gospel and build up the body of Christ.
  • Protect the testimony of our church by regularly attending, living godly lives, keeping Christ at the center of our families, and raising our children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.