Discipleship Groups are gender-specific groups of 4-6 believers who meet regularly to grow in Christ together.

About D-Groups

Northland's Discipleship Groups exist to shepherd one another and to grow in Christ together. They are gender-specific groups of 4-6 believers who meet regularly to discuss what it means to be a disciple of Christ, to confess sin, and to pray for one another. Through Discipleship Groups, we love and shepherd one another through the ups and downs of life.
God has given His Spirit, His Word, and His people to protect us, build us up spiritually, and provide for us. That’s good because all of us are naturally prone to wander into sin. Since authentic, biblical community is a priority for our spiritual health, it is something that we should all prioritize in our schedule. Setting specific meeting days and times to block your calendar will help prevent the busyness of life from crowding out community. Also, it is important to structure how we will spend our time when we are together. Hanging out and providing life updates are important, but be sure to make time to ask each other intentional questions, confess sin, and pray together.

Interested in Joining?

6 Discipleship Distinctives

Devote Daily

John 15:5

Pursue Relationally

Romans 12:10

Live Authentically

James 5:16

Admonish Faithfully

Colossians 3:16

Counsel Biblically

2 Timothy 3:16-17

Engage Missionally

Matthew 28:19-20

3 Key Questions

How are you feeding your soul?

How are you feeding your flesh?

How are you feeding others?