Northland Kids is the children’s ministry of Northland Church. We seek to offer children from birth through 5th grade opportunities to encounter God and grow in their understanding of and relationship with Him. Northland Kids engages children at their level with biblically-based, age-appropriate learning.

Sunday Mornings

Nursery, Pre-K & K-1st Grade
Infant, toddler, Pre-K, and K-1st Grade classes are available during both the 9:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services. Our nursery is laid-back, allowing your children time to learn through free play. We read age-appropriate Bible stories, sing, play, and have snacks. The Pre-K and K-1st Grade programs incorporate props, music, Bible memorization, video, and teacher-led story time, engaging and impacting children’s minds.
During the 9:15 a.m. service, classes are available for children from birth through 5th grade. At 9:15 a.m., classes are broken down by grade level, at 10:30 a.m. we have classes available for birth through 2nd grade. At the 10:30 a.m. service time, students in 3rd grade and up will join their families in the Worship Center.

Classes are age-based and are formatted to cater to the student's development. Students learn Bible lessons, make crafts, and play games to engage children in learning about God and His word, from creation to Jesus, to how God cares for and loves us.

Wednesday Night Kids

Wednesday Night Kids meets from August-May following the academic calendar for the Park Hill School District from 7 to 8:15 pm each night. Our program offers small and large group learning times, recreation, and activities. 

Wednesday Night Kids is for students in K-5th grades. We look at the Bible as one big story, beginning with creation and going through Revelation, all of it pointing to God.
We seek to reach students in our community through our bus ministry, which serves a local multi-family housing complex by picking up students each Wednesday.